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Someone asked me today why I mostly post positive things, affirmations, things that make you think about yourself or about others. Well, I asked them, “why not?”

imagesWe can all use positive words in our day-to-day lives. No, life is definitely not a bed of roses. Sometimes all we have is thorns from time to time but if we can focus on the positive in all of it, it makes our days and the days of those we are connected to more bearable.

The reason why affirmations work so well is that affirmations are a way to change our core belief system for the better. Essentially, what we believe is what we will achieve and if we surround ourselves with more people that think the same way then just imagine what it would be like.

As we all know, sometimes it can be very hard to overcome the negative thoughts we have about our lives, the events or ourselves in our world around us.

By repeating positive affirmations each day and reading something positive, repeatedly, we can subconsciously train our minds to believe what we are saying and what we are reading. Once our belief system changes about a situation, the situation itself will also change.

Answer me this, have you noticed or do you notice a change when you read my writings or those that do the same as I.

To some people this may seem like magic, but it is not — it is a perfect display of mind over matter. When you find the affirmation or source of positive words that fits you, go with it each day.